This Monday, March 9, you can see the supermoon of March from almost all parts of Spain. The full moon will appear larger when it coincides with the perigee , that is, it is at the point of its orbit closest to Earth.

As explained from Meteored, the Moon will appear up to 14 percent larger and its brightness around 30 percent more intense.

The March supermoon is also known as the Worm's Moon , in reference to the spring thaw that takes place in the northern hemisphere at this time.

When and how to see the Supermoon of March 2020

The Supermoon of March 2020 can be seen in Spain will be this Monday, day 9, from 18.48 hours . Although the time when the Moon is in perigee situation will arrive at 7.33 am on Tuesday, March 10.

The Supermoon can be seen from practically all points of Spain when the clear skies predominate. There will be some clouds in the northern peninsula and in the Canary Islands.

To see the full moon, you don't need any type of device, such as telescopes or binoculars. What is recommended is to go to a dimly lit area with a clear horizon.

The next supermoons

Other astronomical events will take place this March, the most important being the change from winter to summer , which will take place the night from 29 to 30 at 2:00. On the other hand, two other supermoons will arrive on April 8 and May 7.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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