In order to take care of her 89-year-old grandmother, Wu Shangzhe, a 26-year-old girl, became one of the few mild patients who switched from the Fangcai Hospital to Vulcan Mountain Hospital. In the early morning of March 6, Wu Shangzhe's grandmother died unfortunately. She will respect her grandmother's will and donate her grandmother's body.

Picture source: Wu Shangzhe Weibo screenshot

"That's my family, I have to go"

On February 17, Wu Shangzhe at the Fangcai Hospital received a phone call from her mother, informing her grandmother at the Vulcan Mountain Hospital that she was in a very bad condition. The hospital informed the family that if a loved one came to look after them, the old man might hope to regain his desire to survive.

Only Wu Shangzhe was positive in the family. She immediately decided to go to Vulcan Mountain and take care of her grandmother.

Most of the patients in Vulcan Mountain Hospital are critically ill, and the risks are self-evident.

So this decision was strongly opposed by my father: "You can't trade your 20s for a grandmother's 90s."

However, in Wu Shangzhe's view, there is no need to make a choice at all: "That is my family, I must go."

On the day of the transfer on February 19, she wrote 4 words on Weibo, "Nothing to look back on."

Picture source: Wu Shangzhe Weibo screenshot

Wu Shangzhe said that going to Vulcan Mountain is not risking death, but bringing grandmother back.

"Mom, I take your mother home"

Before arriving at Vulcan Mountain Hospital, Wu Shangzhe was mentally prepared. After seeing her grandmother, she knew that there were some things that were never ready.

The icy mechanical equipment "clicked" and the weak grandmother was in a semi-coma. She refused to eat seemed to shrink her entire body.

She saw a proud old lady and lost her dignity.

"There is nothing else we can do positively."

In order to make grandma eat, she thought of many ways.

When the old lady wanted to drink water, she scooped out the clearer part of the white porridge and fed it in.

Grandma likes to stare at her. Every time she notices her grandmother's eyes, Wu Shangzhe "intentionally plays with treasure." When she eats, she pouts hard and enjoys the food.

She also tried to persuade her grandmother to eat by the "ethical abduction method". She told her grandmother that everyone was so good to her and she must take a bite. She hooked up with her grandmother and took pictures for evidence.

"I had a sense of mission when I came, only I could save her."

In the process of taking care of her grandmother, Wu Shangzhe also learned to change the diaper for the elderly, learned to look at the data on the monitor, and understand the grandmother's physical changes in time.

Picture source: Wu Shangzhe Weibo screenshot

On the last day of February, grandma suddenly lost her sight at night. "She kept asking me to turn on the light. I had turned it on, but she still couldn't see it."

After gradually confirming his loss of vision, grandma kept crying and shaking her head. Wu Shangzhe climbed into her bed and held her hand. The two curled up to sleep on a one-meter-wide bed. The old man rubbed his granddaughter's fingers repeatedly with his thumb.

The next day, Grandma lowered her stomach tube, grabbed her hands in the air, and her heart rate suddenly rose to 200. Six or seven nurses responded quickly, and Wu Shangzhe held her hand, and seemed to be the only comfort she could give her.

After that, my grandmother transferred to the ICU and temporarily stabilized, but she still did not leave the danger period.

Wu Shangzhe cried for a while, but was able to eat calmly. "Suddenly I became a bit strong."

She felt that she had grown up all night, but the way to grow up was painful.

"I don't want to cry, so I roll my eyes all the time"

Wu Shangzhe's careful care failed to save her grandmother's life. In the early morning of March 6, her grandmother died.

The "girl who grew up overnight" said: She didn't want to cry, so she kept rolling her eyes.

Picture source: Wu Shangzhe Weibo screenshot

Grandma eventually left, she wrote on her social platform: "Sorry, my task was not completed."

But her courage and her efforts to save her grandmother's life have already moved countless people.

Some netizens distressed her:

Some netizens advised her to mourn

More netizens comfort her, saying she has done her best

Some netizens turned out Wu Shangzhe's old post. At that time, her grandfather had just died. Wu Shangzhe couldn't see the last side and wrote down, "I will be better to my grandmother in the future."

Netizens responded with 4 words in this long-distance state: "You did it."

rest in peace

The strong

Epidemic retreat

Ushering in spring together

Source: China News Network Comprehensive China Youth Daily, Economic Daily, Surging News, Sina Weibo, etc.