Non-regular workers complain about the spread of the infection Phone consultation from March 7 8:04 on March 7

The union has been swiftly accepting employment consultations on the 7th since allegedly increasing the number of non-regular employment workers who are reporting the effects of the spread of the new coronavirus.

According to the `` national union '' made by union of non-regular workers, workers working in non-regular employment such as dispatch and part-time workers related to the spread of the new coronavirus said, `` Dismissal without waiting for the expiration of the contract period "I was given a sentence," or "I only allow regular employees to work from home, but not contract employees."

For this reason, it has been decided to carry out a labor consultation by telephone immediately from the 7th to 2 days.

Consultations are accepted from 10 am to 8 pm and the telephone number is 050-5808-9835.

According to Tsuyoshi Suzuki, chairman of the National Union, "Confusion has already begun to appear in the workplace, and the gap between regular and non-regular is appearing. I want to eliminate the gap at the workplace."