The collection of Restos du Coeur starts despite the coronavirus

Audio 05:06

In a distribution center, a Restos du Coeur volunteer hangs a portrait of Coluche, the founder. REUTERS / Eric Gaillard

By: Florent Guignard

The large Restos du Coeur collection starts this Friday. Supermarkets all over France will welcome the volunteers of the association created by Coluche to collect food donations. While the spread of the new coronavirus is still progressing in France, the volunteers of the Restos express some fears and fear that the donations will decrease. However, they decided not to intervene in the most affected departments (Oise, Morbihan, Haute-Savoie, Haut-Rhin where sources of contamination are identified). Will consumers who usually go shopping on weekends be there? Elements of response with Philip Modolo, secretary general of Restos du Coeur.

  • Poverty
  • Food
  • Humanitarian

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