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"We are writing to inform you that we have been notified that a father from a family with children in Los Tilos and Tajamar has tested positive for coronavirus." Thus starts the letter sent to the parents of two schools in Madrid, which seeks to transmit the measures taken by the centers to the positive of a direct family member of one of the schoolchildren.

"The father is hospitalized. The mother has been negative in this disease," continues the letter. "The children, who remain at home since Tuesday, March 3, are asymptomatic and in perfect condition," says the communication, "although Health has recommended that they live a normal life and attend school, for now they will remain in their homes." Then, "first things" asks families for prayers for the family.

Tajamar and Los Tilos schools communicate to parents that they have contacted Health and Education and will proceed "as established by the protocol". The medical recommendation establishes four points in case of presenting a mild symptomatology and having been in contact with a coronavirus patient or in an "area of ​​active transmission of the disease in the last 14 days":

  • stay at home
  • call 900102112 or 112 or 061
  • maintain good respiratory hygiene
  • frequent handwashing to prevent transmission to surrounding people

On the contrary, if the symptomatology is more severe and the person has fever or respiratory distress, the recommendation is to seek medical attention.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Pneumonia
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Infectious diseases
  • Diseases