A policeman forcibly kisses a female reporter and touches Shizuoka Prefectural Police Examining disposition March 6 4:01

A 54-year-old police officer in charge of women's safety measures at the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters touched the body of a female reporter and found that police were considering disposal in response to protests from the news media. In response to a police investigation, the police said that he was "drunk and grew up and hugged him."

According to officials, a 54-year-old male police officer who is in charge of measures to protect women and children at the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters' personal safety measures section reported to female reporters on a street in Shizuoka city last December and last month. You kissed and touched your body repeatedly.

Last month, a news agency to which the reporter belonged was discovered in protest against the police, and police said in a police investigation that they "did not remember" some of the actions, I hugged you. "

The Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters told NHK that "we will consider disposal based on the results of protests and investigations."