Wind illusration - M. Gile / SIPA

The government will instruct the prefects to identify with elected officials the sectors suitable for hosting new wind turbines, "essential" for the energy transition of France, said Tuesday the Minister for Ecological Transition Elisabeth Borne.

"My position on wind turbines is very clear: they are essential for the energy transition of our country," said Elisabeth Borne, noting that last year these turbines saw their electricity production increase by 21%, reducing by 6% the greenhouse gas emissions from France.

"However, I consider that we will not succeed in deploying wind power if we do not listen to the fears of certain elected officials and certain citizens" over their deployment and distribution, she added.

"My position on # wind turbines is very clear, they are essential to the #energy transition of our country," says @Elisabeth_Borne, adding that the deployment of wind energy requires "listening to the fears of certain elected officials and certain citizens. ". #DirectAN #QAG

- LCP (@LCP) March 3, 2020

"Finding the right balance between deployment, buy-in and acceptability"

"Work is underway to find a good balance between deployment and acceptance and acceptability, with in particular a circular which will be addressed to the prefects asking them, with elected officials, to identify the areas in which wind turbines can develop without harm our natural and cultural heritage, ”said Elisabeth Borne.

"And it will be up to elected officials to introduce the corresponding landscape protections in their urban planning documents," she said.

The Minister answered a question from a UDI deputy, Laure de la Raudière, who went up against the wind turbines and accused "certain wind turbine promoters (of) behaving like bounty hunters in our territories".


Renewable energies: Is French wind power ready to move up a gear?

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