Rep. Kawai's side Did you decide to double the reward two months before the election? March 3 5:30


Two months before the election, Mr. Kawai, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, was suspected of having paid a so-called Miss Uguis over the law in the Upper House election last year. According to an interview with the parties concerned, there was a suspicion that a policy was decided to double the remuneration. The public prosecutor is conducting a close investigation by listening to the situation from Representative Kawai's secretary and other sources.

In the Liberal Democratic Party's camp, Mr. Kawai's camp was suspected of paying Miss Warbler more than the law had stipulated in the Upper House election last July. I searched home apartments.

In May, two months before the election, in May last year, the camp officials suspected that they had decided on a policy to double the prescribed amount for Miss Warbler to 30,000 yen a day. I understood in the interview.

After this policy was decided, he was paid through Representative Kawai's current secretary.

According to the investigators, the secretary has allowed past interviews to pay more than prescribed.

The public prosecutor is conducting a close investigation by listening to the situation from Mr. Kawai's public secretary, camp executive, Miss Warbler and others.