Medical sites that take care of children at work also respond to school closures Sapporo March 2 21:42

While schools are closed as a measure against the spread of the new coronavirus, organizations operating hospitals and other facilities in Sapporo City say that increasing the absence of nurses etc. due to the care of children will affect the operation, and children at work will be affected. Started to take care of.

About 1200 employees, including doctors and nurses, work at the Hoseikai Medical Corporation, which operates hospitals and facilities for the elderly, mainly in Sapporo.

The group has set up a nursery for temporary staffing of children of staff from last month, stating that if nurses with children are unable to attend work due to school closures, the operation of hospitals and facilities will be affected.

On the 2nd, after 8:00 am, children between the ages of 3 and 10 were taken by parents and immediately washed their hands and had their temperature measured.

At present, about 10 children are using the service, but it is expected that the number of children will increase as school closures lengthen, and the group is considering preparing another location.

A radiological technician who came to her second grader daughter said, "I'm saved because my parents live far away at work."

Mr. Makoto Kobayashi of the Medical Corporation Association said, "I'm preparing for this, but it's not easy for hospitals and facilities to stop functioning. I want to make sure that children can spend as much time as they can and stay away from school."