Stray dogs snuffed a child as young as two and a half, until he died, in a tragedy that struck a family in Al-Ahsa, eastern Saudi Arabia.

In the details, a group of dogs attacked a small child named Malik on Saturday afternoon, while his family was on a picnic inside a rural rest house in the town of Al-Batalia, until the family lost its child to search for him and find around him a group of dogs inside a nearby farm, to be transferred to the hospital quickly, but he breathed The last on the way.

It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs called on its secretariats to implement the CNSR program to reduce the density of stray dogs, using compassionate and environmentally friendly methods, after stopping the use of poisonous grafts in its fight, within the framework of achieving the principle of animal welfare in cooperation with the concerned authorities, including the Ministry of Environment and Water Agriculture and the Saudi Society for Animal Welfare.