The president of the CSA, Roch-Olivier Maistre, reacted Monday on Europe 1 to the announcement of the death of Hervé Bourges, former president of TF1, of France 2 and of the CSA. He recalled the "flamboyant and energetic" personality of Hervé Bourges, a man who "marked the audiovisual landscape".

A great audiovisual figure died on Sunday at 86 years of age. Hervé Bourges had been the head of TF1, France 2 and France 3, head of radio RFI, before taking the presidency of the Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel (CSA) from 1995 to 2001. "I was lucky to to know was a rather unusual personality, a man of commitment with a thousand facets, a flamboyant, energetic personality, a great intelligence not without great skill, "said the president of the CSA, Roch-Olivier Maistre, on Europe 1 Monday morning.

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"A great servant very generous and benevolent"

Hervé Bourges watched for a long time - and even watched - everything that happened in the French audiovisual sector. Roch-Olivier Maistre greets a man who has crossed the century as a "determined actor" and who has "marked the audiovisual landscape". Hervé Bourges had also forged the image of a rather rigid man. In the heyday of Canal +, certain programs had earned the encrypted channel several stormy hearings in the office of Hervé Bourges, then boss of the CSA.

A man who was a "source of inspiration" for the current president of the CSA. "He has developed a vision of regulation in which I find myself very much and which is a vision based on dialogue, exchange, conviction, on the idea of ​​empowering stakeholders," explains Roch-Olivier Maistre. "He is a great servant, very generous and benevolent above all."