Coronavirus: technical unemployment and concern

Audio 03:21

A view of Wuhan, in the Hubei region, after the ban on the circulation of the vast majority of vehicles in the city center, on January 26, 2020. cnsphoto via REUTERS.

By: Heike Schmidt

In China, the 56 million inhabitants of the Hubei region are still living under quarantine, cloistered at home and cut off from the world for three weeks to limit the spread of the new coronavirus.


With 75,000 cases identified, of which approximately 2,100 have been fatal, the province is by far the main focus of the epidemic. Some 10,000 kilometers away in France, the young Chinese girl Chuen * follows developments every day, worried about her family who lives there… But also worried about her future, because her clients, Chinese tourists, do not come over. She testifies.

* His name has been changed

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  • China
  • France
  • coronavirus
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