Maxime Le Forestier is on tour after the release of his sixteenth album, To appear or not to be. How does he manage, after fifty years of career, and with so many songs and albums, to create a tour and choose the songs? He explained this to the microphone of Europe 1.

San Fransisco , My brother , Born somewhere ... We can no longer count the hits of Maxime Le Forestier and today, while he is on tour after the release of his sixteenth album, To appear or not to be, we asks how you choose the songs for your show. Can he escape the "routine"? Are some songs boring him? He responded to Emilie Mazoyer's microphone on the Musique!

The singer necessarily interprets those of his new album ... But he admits that he cannot do a show without his famous hits. "There are essentials. I can't sing a concert without singing My brother or San Francisco, " he says. However, no weariness on his side because he rearranges them with each new tour.

>> Find all of Emilie Mazoyer's shows here

"I feel like it every time because I 'repaint' them. As I have musicians, we play something else: I have many versions of My brother ", he exemplifies. But he admits anyway: "Once, I didn't want it anymore. My wife said to me 'if you don't sing it, I'm not coming'. So I called Jean-Pierre Sabard, the chef "orchestra with which I worked at the time, I said to him" Demerde toi, but I have to start to love My brother again . great, it reconciled me with the song. "