Lawyer Yassine Bouzrou. - JOEL SAGET / AFP

At the request of the President of Paris, Juan Branco is no longer the lawyer for Piotr Pavlenski in the Benjamin Griveaux case, for which he has just been charged with his partner Alexandra de Taddeo. His new lawyer is called Yassine Bouzrou, and the LCI news channel did his portrait for viewers on Wednesday.

The journalist began by presenting him as a "regular in media reports", of "the new generation rising from the bar", with "quite atypical background".

There were 101 ways to present Yassine Bouzrou: a brilliant and pugnacious lawyer accustomed to sensitive files.

He is 40 years old but LCI has chosen to tell us about his school failures (???) ... and to represent him with a donkey cap. 🙅🏻♀️ # / v11tKBn1Uq

- Sihame Assbague (@s_assbague) February 19, 2020

Dressed in a donkey cap

After talking about his modest family and his childhood in the city, LCI dwells on his "school troubles": "He was nevertheless fired three times in succession, until a school agreed to open its doors to him, but which will still close the doors to Bac L. ”The story is accompanied by an infographic showing Yassine Bouzrou wearing a donkey's hat. His career as a lawyer is sent in two words, and the presenter, funny, thanks to the computer graphics department "who spoiled us this afternoon".

To all those who take offense at the portrait @ BOUZROU1 on the antenna of @LCI yesterday, we say that indeed this presentation is awkward to say the least

- Valérie Nataf (@vnataf) February 20, 2020

"An awkward presentation to say the least"

After these images aroused an uproar on social networks, the editorial director of the chain, Valérie Nataf, reacted on Twitter this Thursday morning: "To all those who take offense at the portrait of Yassine Bouzrou on the air from LCI, we say that indeed this presentation is awkward to say the least ”.

According to information from 20 Minutes , LCI will not respond via an official statement. The editorial staff would consider returning to the subject on the air, on the evening time slot corresponding to that during which it was broadcast. As for Yassine Bouzrou himself, also contacted by 20 Minutes , he has not yet reacted.


Withdrawal of Benjamin Griveaux: Juan Branco seizes the CSA after his interview on BFM TV by Apolline de Malherbe


Withdrawal of Benjamin Griveaux: Piotr Pavlenski and his companion Alexandra de Taddeo indicted

  • Piotr Pavlenski
  • Media
  • Lci