Illustration of a person in front of a window - Hunter Newton / Unsplash

In Minute Papillon !, we speak today of psychosocial violence in social and solidarity organizations, where the feeling of personal commitment is strong.

Pascale-Dominique Russo signs the Suffering in a committed environment survey (Editions du faubourg, 18 euros), published today.

The journalist launches the alert. In these organizations, employees may be suffering, sometimes reduced to a situation of voluntary servitude.

This survey evokes situations in large associations such as Emmaus, France Terre d'Asile, the SOS group which find themselves in competition in the face of increasingly complex public tenders.

She is also interested in MACIF and Chorum mutuals, which are subject to high concentrations and other upheavals that cause suffering.

An interview with Pascale-Dominique Russo, to listen to in the reader above.

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  • Burn out
  • Business
  • Job
  • Social
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Wait a minute
  • Podcast
  • Association