Australian broadcaster Sam Hammington has given special attention to the etiquette education of his sons William and Bentley.

Sam Hammington appeared on MBC Every1 'Video Star' broadcast yesterday (18) to explain his discipline.

Singer Son Jin-young, who appeared on the show, often goes to Sam Hammington's house to talk about his discipline.

Son said, "One day, I bought a doll and went to my brother (Sam Hamington), and he continued to discipline until he said thank you, 'William!

Sam Hammington, who listened to the story, said, "It's a serious story."

"I'm teaching kids that etiquette is very important," he said. "I think it's better to be disciplined at home than to be pitiful outside."

Sam Hammington married a Korean wife in 2013 and has two sons, William and Bentley.

(Photo = MBC Everyone 'Video Star' broadcast screen capture)

(SBS substar)