Illustration of a VTC demonstration in Paris, in December 2015. - N. Messyasz / SIPA

At the call of the Intersyndicale Nationale VTC (INV), the drivers are called to disconnect from the platforms of cars with drivers and to gather in front of Uber's premises on March 6 to protest against the working conditions.

The INV invites drivers to a “total extinction of all apps” on March 6, that is to say to disconnect from VTC platforms such as Uber, Kapten and Marcel. The intersyndicale also calls on drivers to assemble at 3.30 p.m. in front of Uber headquarters for a "surprise action".

The commission charged by Uber at issue

Several hundred Uber French drivers have since the middle of November blocked operations of logistics hubs of the platform, including that of Aubervilliers in Seine-Saint-Denis and the headquarters of Uber France in Paris. A change in procedures which suspends a driver in the event of repeated refusal of a journey, depriving him of work, is at the origin of this movement.

The drivers also denounce the level of commission charged by Uber, the presence of "false drivers" who use spurious VTC cards, and the absence of a minimum fare for the races. "It's a precarious job, we need social protection," argues Brahim Ben Ali, coordinator of the Intersyndicale.

Deliveroo sentenced for concealed work

The self-employed status of VTC drivers and bicycle deliverers linked to platforms is increasingly questioned in France.

The Deliveroo meal delivery platform has just been condemned for concealed work following the requalification of the service contract of one of its couriers in employment contract, a first in France. In Lyon, 120 Uber drivers filed a request on January 31 to reclassify their contractual relationship as employees.


Uber files lawsuit against California for turning drivers into employees

By the Web

Sexual Assault Charges: Successful # UberCestOver, Uber Called To Account

  • Uber
  • Working conditions
  • Mobilization
  • Hybrid
  • Car
  • Driver
  • Society