Illustration of women on bikes - Maixent Viau / Unsplash

In small or large cities, whether in Vannes, Dunkirk or Paris, there is talk of mobility in this campaign for municipal officials. And on the menu of so-called soft mobility, the candidates, from right to left, have proposals on the bike.

Why this theme? Because there are cycling voters: if the practice of cycling, on a daily basis, remains very minority, it is confirmed. It represented 2% in the share of different modes of transport in 2016, 3% today. It aims for 9% in the modal share in 2024, according to the federation of bicycle users (FUB).

In Paris, as in the rest of the cities, almost all the candidates talk about cycling. I asked Romain Lescurieux, journalist at the "Grand Paris" service, to tell me about it and to summarize the main proposals of the candidates on this subject.

This subject of mobility in the campaign for municipal governments, in Bordeaux, Rennes, Paris or Lyon can be found in our file on mobility, here.

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  • Bike
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Mobility
  • Wait a minute
  • Podcast
  • Electric bike