To be announced as soon as possible for a new virus consultation Government Experts Meeting February 17 4:53

The government's expert meeting on the new coronavirus has decided to compile a guideline for consultation so that patients can receive appropriate medical care before the disease worsens, and will publish it on the 17th. On the other hand, it has been pointed out that there is a possibility of infection from infected people without symptoms, so we are calling for staggered work or telecommuting to avoid crowds.

In several cases where the route of transmission of the new coronavirus may not be identifiable, a meeting of government experts at a meeting on Tuesday said, "Domestic infections are likely to occur early and further. ".

In order to prevent the patient from becoming more severe, we will promptly determine the guidelines for consulting a medical institution, and we will announce on the 17th how much symptoms such as fever and respiration should be consulted.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will also soon formulate medical treatment guidelines that include measures for respiratory management of patients with pneumonia and measures to prevent nosocomial infections.

Furthermore, it has been pointed out that there is a possibility of infection from people who have no symptoms.Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of infection, it is recommended that employees work at different times or work at home, and that urgent or unnecessary meetings should be considered to consider self-restraint. I am.