A decorative object on a tombstone (Illustration). - Pixabay

They went to the cemetery to meditate on a tombstone ... empty for a year without knowing it. In Villerupt, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, a family discovered that the grave of their mother (and grandmother) did not contain the urn with the ashes of the deceased.

The latter, who died in January 2019 at 76, had been the subject of a cremation, reports Le Républicain Lorrain. How to explain this situation? The funeral home, which undertook the funeral, did not respond to questions from the newspaper.

An error in the handling of the ashes

Angry, the family demanded an explanation from the company. The latter would have advanced taking leave within the company giving rise to this error in the management of the ashes.

The company has since gone to the funeral home to retrieve the urn and place it in the grave. An additional ordeal for the family of the deceased, who felt that their mother and grandmother was "buried twice". However, they did not wish to file a complaint against the funeral director, eager to turn the page.


Moselle: A dozen degraded tombs

Three minors arrested after the desecration of a cemetery in Lorraine
  • Lorraine
  • Graveyard
  • Undertaker
  • Unusual
  • Society