Invited Tuesday evening of the Grand Journal du soir, on Europe 1, the French violinist Renaud Capuçon came to present NomadPlay, an application which allows you to remove any instrument from a large orchestra and play in its place.


Are you an amateur or professional musician and do you dream of playing the greatest classical melodies with a large orchestra? You might be interested. Invited Tuesday evening of the Big Evening Newspaper, on Europe 1, the French violinist Renaud Capuçon came to present NomadPlay, an application of which he is ambassador. Concretely, the application allows you to remove any instrument from a large orchestra and play in its place, immersing violinists or flutists in immersion in a song. A major asset for learning music and the rehearsal work of musicians, which seduced Renaud Capuçon.

Will the machine replace the musician?

"I see the fun aspect and the educational aspect, you no longer play alone but with accompaniment", explains the violinist on Europe 1. Is there not a risk of replacing the musician with an algorithm? On the contrary. According to Renaud Capuçon, the application was born from an expectation from the musical world. "The idea is to bring together living artists, performers, people who want to learn classical music," said Clothilde Chalot. Renaud Capuçon himself remembers: "When we learned a Mozart concerto, we played on records, even if the teachers told us that it was not very good". With NomadPlay, the problem is solved because the musician fits perfectly "into harmony" with the orchestra, especially as the application accompanies the sound of the score.

"I would have loved to be young with this application"

The big orchestras will not disappear anyway. No question that NomadPlay goes on stage. "I would have liked so much to be young with this new application, I would have spent hours searching, trying out new repertoires, it is endless, especially as we are going to add more ...", develops the violinist. The platform should open up to new styles, such as jazz and even metal. It will take € 9.99 to get it unlimited.