According to Agalarov, when meeting with Trump, he was very pleasantly surprised that he was talking with others without a drop of arrogance.

“He will never refuse if someone wants to take a picture. Everything is always interesting to him, and he is trying to learn as much as possible from a person. If this is Russia, then these are questions about the cost of housing and average incomes, trends, where is the development going: in the center or on the outskirts? Etc. It turns out to be exactly as you imagine it. If we talk about human qualities, then he is one of the most pleasant, adequate, intelligent, resourceful and at the same time successful people that I have met, ”the singer said in an interview with Oksana Boyko.

Agalarov also spoke about the situation around the investigation of Robert Mueller.

“In Russia, everyone took the incident as a joke. It seemed quite comical to the Russians at that moment that the meeting organized by the Russian singer and entrepreneur could somehow influence the US elections, ”he said.

See the full version of Emin Agalarov’s interview on RTD.

In 2013, entrepreneur Araz Agalarov announced that he was participating in negotiations with Trump, who planned to build a skyscraper in Moscow.

As noted by the agalarov family lawyer Scott Balber, Araz Agalarov and Trump did not discuss political issues during a series of meetings.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly stated that there was no evidence in Muller's report of evidence attributed to Russia of interference in the American electoral process.