Tomorrow (11th), as the atmosphere stagnates, the fine dust in the western region will increase.

Fine dust will show bad levels in the metropolitan area, Chungcheong, Honam, Daegu, and Jeju.

The temperature rises further.

Tomorrow, Seoul's midday temperature will rise to 13 degrees and 15 degrees in Gwangju, so it will be as warm as early spring.

Tomorrow, it is likely to rain gradually over Jeju and Jeonnam coastal areas.

Tomorrow, the central region will be mostly clear, with dry weather in the metropolitan areas including Seoul and some inland areas.

The southern regions will gradually become cloudy at night, and at night, it will rain on Jeju and Jeonnam coastal areas.

The day after tomorrow, the rain will spread across the country until Thursday.

In particular, it will rain a lot of rain, especially in Jeju and the south coast.

(Iejin Weathercaster)