The German Urology Association reported that there are some dangerous factors that threaten men's capabilities, and affect fertility in particular, and here are five of these factors:

- overweight

Being overweight increases the risk of diabetes, which in turn leads to a decrease in the important male hormone “testosterone”.

- Hypertension

High blood pressure prevents the heart from adequately providing blood to the body’s organs, including the genitals, which can lead to problems.


Smoking causes the blood vessels to narrow and damage them, and then the blood flow will slow down, which leads to problems as well.

- Lack of movement

Lack of movement causes blood to circulate in the body, thus decreasing testosterone production.

Psychological burden
The psychological burden raises the level of the adrenaline hormone, which negatively affects blood flow to the body and, accordingly, sexual ability.

In order to counter the decline in the “testosterone” hormone, the German Association recommends that you stop smoking, and adopt a healthy lifestyle based on healthy nutrition rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, reducing sugar, salt, white flour, fat and fast food, in addition to exercising and fighting psychological tension through relaxation techniques such as yoga And meditation.