Last year's total salary 322,000 yen per month on average 6 months minus 9:21 on February 7


Last year's total salary per worker turned 32%, an average of more than 322,000 yen per month, and turned negative for the first time in six years.

According to preliminary figures from a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare at more than 30,000 offices nationwide, the total salary per worker, including basic salary, overtime pay, and bonuses, was 32 on average last year and month. At 2,689 yen, it fell 0.3% below the previous year and turned negative for the first time in six years.

The total salary of those working full-time was 425,288 yen, 0.3% higher than the previous year, while those working part-time were 99,758 yen, the same level as the previous year.

Real wages, reflecting price movements, were 0.9% below the previous year.

On the other hand, the total salary in December last year, including the winter bonus, was 565,779 yen, the same level as the same month in the previous year.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said last year's total salary was `` Increasing the proportion of people working part-time due to a shortage of labor, many holidays, and work style reforms are continuing to reduce overall working hours The overtime hours in the manufacturing industry have been remarkably decreasing, so we should pay close attention to assessing economic trends. "