A few days ago, Dabiz Muñoz revealed on his Instagram account the cause of the terrible pain he is suffering and that have kept him away from his great passion for months, running. "I have a dismetry of 2 cm, a real brutality as they explain to me ... and one of the consequences is that hip and deviated and fallen pelvis and everything that this has caused in my body in these years," he confessed.

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What is this injury and, most importantly, what is the prognosis? Antonio Ríos, specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery, triathlete, marathoner and author of 'From the armchair to the marathon' and 'Four hours', among other works related to his sports experience, clarifies it.

Is that difference of 2 cm from one limb to the other important? Yes it is. The body through the pelvis and the spine can compensate for milder dysmetries, up to 0.5-0.7 cm. From that, there can be imbalances, that is, shortening or stretching of muscles, overloads in joints that will make it necessary to compensate for this dysmetry with a boost. Is it necessary to correct all the difference? Normally enough to compensate a part. If there is a dysmetry of 1 cm, a 0.5 cm rise is usually prescribed. In the case of 2 cm, 1.5.Is dismetry that does not allow you to run? In my opinion, such an important dysmetry would have hit the face before with back discomfort, muscle overloads and contractures in the muscles of the shorter leg . Because right now? This dysmetry is due to one reason: an osteoarthritis in the hip.The hip has deformed and has lost normal sphericity, and has collapsed, that is, the articular interline has disappeared, causing friction, pain, loss of mobility and that that leg is shortened. Why could he have suffered from osteoarthritis when he was so young? There may be several reasons: a femoral head that is too large at birth that has caused a greater friction and associated with the impact sport, an early osteoarthritis. This is the most likely. Juvenile arthritis or necrosis are other options. What can be done? Osteoarthritis causes pain and loss of mobility. It should cost you a world to put on your socks or cut your toenails. The muscles surrounding the hip are inhibited and shortened in order to block the joint and the damage is not aggravated; It's a defense mechanism. Especially the buttocks (the medium mainly) and the adductors. The core and musculature must be worked muscularly to have a protected and stable hip. At the hip level, hiauluronic acid or plasma rich in growth factors can be infiltrated or both together. That will significantly improve the symptoms. A shorter leg boost is also recommended. Can you run again? Yes, if you do your homework well. Long distance is not recommended but shorter volumes, no problem.

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