- As a podcaster, you need to be aware of copyright. With this judgment, it is clear that the pod must be included in the media industry, says media expert Olle Lidbom.

In 2017, the author Lars Ohlson reported Mordpodden for plagiarism. According to Lars Ohlson, one of the pod's sections was based on information unique to his book Kakelugnmordet, and he believed that the murder pod plagiarized his book on a total of 80 occasions.

"You are not immediately impressed by the prosecutor"

The case was brought up in Stockholm District Court two weeks ago, and on Friday the message came that Mordpodden is being dropped for copyright infringement. But it is only the pod's only creator, Amanda Karlsson, who is convicted when, according to the court, she has produced the disputed section. She is fined and Linnéa Bohlin, Mordpodden's second author, is fully acquitted.

- I am not entirely surprised, though it is sensational that one of them goes free. You are not immediately impressed by the prosecutor, says the author Lars Ohlsson.

The judgment raises the requirements for the distributors

Media expert Olle Lidbom, who among other things runs the media pod, believes that the verdict against the murder pod can have consequences for the entire pod industry.

- There are many big distributors who have considered this in a rather untraditional way. You have not cared so much about the content and have not made such high demands on the poders that you include in your distribution network. This judgment raises the demands on them, he says.

Murderpodden's distributor Bauer Media has previously written in an e-mail to the Culture News that they and Mordpodden made "a joint decision to immediately unpublish the section" when reached by Lars Ohlson's criticism.