A person is born with about five million hair follicles on the body.

Usually, the number of hair follicles in the growth phase will replace 25 to 100 hairs that you lose every day.

Therefore, basically all hair follicles are like a small hair plant that is produced according to schedule. The body chemistry and your hormones put the work orders for new hair, and produce vesicles that produce the hair's stem. But sometimes, your body will send a message that downsizes or closes these factories. When these orders expire, they will not return to normal.

And early baldness in general is a matter of concern for many men, and some lose their hair at a young age and fall out with much more than their growth rate, which leads to a change in appearance in general and the appearance of baldness in the scalp, and this makes many young people feel embarrassed, especially When they go to events, there are many factors that cause early baldness that can be minimized, and in this article Al-Bizra Medical Center in Dubai displays the symptoms, causes and treatment of early baldness.

Symptoms of baldness

Early baldness usually appears in adolescence, that is, when the young man turns 18, his hair begins to fall out and baldness appears more clearly at the age of 25 until the age of 30 and the symptoms are as follows:

* Weak hair follicles and falling out in large quantities, so that the amount of hair falling per day is more than 100 hairs.

* A change in the color of the scalp so that it becomes darker, and the feeling of itching and pain in the scalp.

* Lack of regrowing hair, and the appearance of voids between the hair and the scalp.

* The appearance of white dandruff in the scalp abnormally.

Causes of early baldness

Genetics, where the genetic factor is the main cause of early baldness, and this affects both men and women.

Exposure to stress, psychological anxiety and extreme emotional fluctuations significantly. A hormonal imbalance in the body that causes hair loss heavily.

* Take some drugs and medications, such as hormones used to inflate muscles.

* A lack of vitamins, such as a lack of «Vitamin D».

* Anemia.

* Infection with some organic diseases, and undergoing treatment, such as chemotherapy.

Bizra Medical Center

The Bizra Medical Center is the first center in the Gulf for hair transplantation, as it is the pioneering center that invented the idea of ​​attracting Arabs to Dubai instead of going abroad, because it is distinguished by a specialized medical team with practical experience, and it is characterized by specialized hair transplant services, including head and beard hair transplantation, eyebrow transplantation, There is a women's medical team for hair transplantation for women for more privacy.

Hair transplantation is used to add hair to an area where there may be light or completely bald hair. Hair transplant is the only permanent solution to treat baldness in men. This is done by taking hair from the back and side scalp that is characterized by the presence of permanent and thick hair, and grafting it in the area of ​​baldness or light hair in the scalp.

This is done by performing a simple surgical procedure known as hair transplantation, which takes place under local anesthesia, in which the follicles in the donor area are extracted using the FUE method or what is known as the picking.

After that holes are made in the receiving areas, which are the bald areas to be cultivated, and follicles are placed in them until they are completely covered.

Simply the hair transplant process takes your hair and transports it to an area where there is no hair.

During the patient's consultation procedure before the hair transplant process, the donor area should be examined by a special camera through which the density, quality and integrity of the follicles are examined, and by this you can set an approximate limit on the number of follicles that can be extracted.

For many men, early baldness is generally a matter of concern, and some lose it at a young age.

Early baldness usually appears in adolescence when a young person turns 18 years old .