According to gallery owner Peder Enström, at least 10 to 12 sculptures of Salvador Dalí have been stolen during the burglary. But selling stolen Dalí sculptures can be difficult, believes the cultural news art critic Dennis Dahlqvist.

- I think the sculptures are numbered and thus they become difficult to sell. And if you remove the numbering, they will instead find it difficult to sell because they lack numbering, says Dennis Dahlqvist.

"One of the most important artists of the 20th century"

Salvador Dalí is known for his surrealist paintings and sculptures, not least for the melting clock that has become a popular cultural icon.

- He is one of the most important artists of the 20th century. Many people think he was dealing with hallucinatory wheezing, but Dalí was very interested in science. The melting clock is about Einstein's theory of relativity, that time is relative, says Dennis Dahlqvist.