Protesters march in Paris on January 14, 2020 against the pension reform. - Alain JOCARD / AFP

The strike of January 29 has just ended, that of February 6 is looming. On Wednesday evening, the intersyndicale called for a new day of inter-professional strikes and demonstrations against the pension reform for next Thursday.

The press release calls for a new mobilization "at the start of the work of the special committee of the National Assembly". The CGT, Force Ouvrière, FSU, Solidaires, and youth organizations (MNL, UNL, Fidl) and student organizations (Unef) estimate that the actions of January 24 and 29 have "gathered hundreds of thousands of people" and are the evidence "of a massive rejection of the proposals brought by the government".

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  • Society
  • Pension reform
  • Demonstration