The totem of immunity, grail of the adventurers of Koh-Lanta - TF1

koh-lanta , baptized "The island of heroes", should be back soon. If TF1 broadcast a trailer of the adventure game on the occasion of the launch of season 9 of The Voice , the date of his return has not yet been announced.

To keep fans waiting, TF1 has decided to organize a Run Challenge, according to a tweet from the channel spotted by Puremédias on Sunday. The goal ? Make viewers of the show run in around thirty cities and draw the famous totem via the route on GPS applications. We can also see the approximate drawing on the map of Paris.

#KohLanta is coming back very soon!
In the meantime we invite you to participate in #KohLantaRunChallenge
The principle is simple: run any distance and anywhere by drawing the TOTEM of @ KohLantaTF1!
For @DenisBrogniart and the 5 heroes, challenge met!

- TF1 (@ TF1) January 26, 2020

In Paris, Lille, Lyon, Amiens or Marseille, runners will be able to win a meeting with star presenter Denis Brogniart and a place to attend the final of the new season. A great opportunity to create a link around the program (and make a good promotion).


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  • TF1
  • Koh Lanta
  • Television
  • Race