Are you sure you don't want to buy our superb hands-free vacuum cleaner? - Evan Vucci / AP / SIPA

"Oh the phone cries / No don't hang up" ... As early as 1974, Claude François had already summed up the hell of telephone canvassing with his unforgettable title. In 2020, the problem is still not resolved. Several consumer associations have also launched this Monday a petition to completely ban the practice, while the National Assembly must again consider the subject on January 30.

Telephone canvassing is however supposed to be regulated by Bloctel, a tool implemented in 2016. Nearly 3.7 million French people are registered with it. But according to the associations, "the system proves to be ineffective due to far too extensive exemptions and insufficiently dissuasive sanctions". If you are a Bloctel user, your opinion interests us: are you satisfied with the service? Have you noticed a decrease (or not) in canvassing? Are you for the total ban on this practice? You can testify by filling out the form below.

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