Sidra (19 years), Muhammad (three years) and Abdullatif (three months) suffer a genetic metabolic disease from birth that causes high toxic ammonia in the body, resulting in mental disability if the necessary treatment is not taken, which has an annual cost of 119 thousand And 515 dirhams, and they need lifelong treatment, according to Tawam Hospital.

The cost of treatment per year for the patient (Sidra) is 18 thousand and 216 dirhams, and the cost of the treatment of (Mohammed) 68 thousand and 213 dirhams, and the cost of treatment (Abdel Latif) 33 thousand and 86 dirhams, and their father appeals to those who help him in the costs of their treatment under the circumstances that he passes.

The patient's father tells the story of their suffering, saying: “In my first wife’s pregnancy, it became clear after her birth that my old daughter (Sidra) was suffering from a genetic metabolic disease, if one day she was late to take her medication because of her permanent mental disability, as her mental age was three years. In my second wife's pregnancy, she gave birth to a baby and called him (Muhammad), and he also suffered from the symptoms of his sister (Sidra) herself after his birth. In her last pregnancy, she gave birth to my baby (Abdullatif), who is three months old, and suffers the same symptoms, as this is a genetic disease, and I was transferred to Tawam Hospital, because there is treatment, and it became clear after the doctors examined them that they are suffering from this genetic disease, and they need treatment For life, knowing that Sidra and Muhammad were previously exempt, but currently some medications and exams have been excluded and the doctor has examined them. ”

He added that «the disease causes high toxic ammonia in the body, which leads to the patient suffering from a mental disability if the necessary treatment has not been taken, and they must continue to take this treatment for life, but the cost is very high, and a shift between me and providing the necessary treatment for my children, and the problem is that My circumstances and financial means do not allow me to do this, knowing that some charities previously helped me to pay part of the treatment, but now I stand unable to provide the cost of treatment that they need for life. ”

He pointed out that, “In the event that the medicine is not provided for a day, a coma will talk to them, and they will enter the hospital, and this will cost me a lot, and my daughter (Sidra) has been subjected to this matter, and I do not want to lose my children, or have a mental disability, and I do not know what to do under the circumstances The difficult thing that I am going through is that I am the only breadwinner for my family members, I work as a teacher, and I earn a salary that does not exceed 10 thousand and 215 dirhams, 15 thousand dirhams go to rent the house annually, 18 thousand dirhams go to my children's tuition fees, and 4600 dirhams a month go to bank supplies, and the rest for expenses Life, and I do not know what to do under the circumstances that I am going through, so I appeal to the people of good and health Compassionate hearts help me to treat my children costs ».

The medical report issued by Tawam Hospital in Al Ain indicates that "patients suffer from having a genetic metabolic disease from birth, which causes high toxic ammonia in the body, resulting in mental disability if the necessary treatment is not taken, and they need lifelong treatment."

Metabolic dysfunction

Metabolic disorder, metabolic dysfunction or metabolic dysfunction is a disease caused by abnormal chemical reactions in the body, altering the normal metabolic process. It can also be known as an anomaly inherited in a single and most gene. Often other diseases come with heredity, that is, with the newborn, but disorders of metabolism can come after birth, that is, they can be acquired.

- The disease causes toxic ammonia to rise in the body, leading to a mental disability.