• How to get fit in 7 minutes

They are called high intensity interval training but are popularly known as hiits (high-intensity interval training '). In ZEN we have talked about them on numerous occasions. As brief as intense , these routines alternate strength and endurance exercises in static with other dynamics that raise the heart rate to the fullest .

The goal is usually to perform the maximum number of repetitions of each exercise for a limited time that is usually around 40 seconds (one minute in the case of plates) with 10 rest between each of them.

The famous '7 minutes' with which Brett Klika and Chris Jordan, two experts from the Human Performance Institute (Florida) revolutionized the world of fitness have given way to an unlimited collection of hiits that, in a maximum of 30 minutes, promise to put us in form and devour the most rebellious fat .

The offer cannot be more tempting. Even more if you consider that one of its great advantages is that they favor the burning of calories until many hours after the end of the session .


Why does this effect occur? To compensate for the oxygen deficit that occurs in our body during the performance of a demanding physical activity, especially if it is carried out at intervals with peaks of maximum intensity.

Counted like this, it makes you want to start making hiits like there's no tomorrow, right? Well badly done.

"I would not recommend the hiit to start getting fit. It is much more sensible to start with a functional training - working several muscle groups at the same time and fully involving our 'core' - with irons, squats with deadlifts, strides or push-ups performed at a lower intensity, "says Mireia Borrás, personal trainer. "Completing three laps with ten repetitions or 20 seconds per exercise (30 in the case of the plates)" could be, in his opinion, a good start.

Why? "Because before launching ourselves to complete repetitions like crazy we should go very slowly and learn very well the technique of each exercise to maximize its benefits without injuring ourselves," adds Borrás.

If you really aspire to make a qualitative leap in fitness, this coach advises to combine these routines (three days a week) with a lifestyle as active as possible . "Go to the mountain, walk, dance, ride a bike ... it all adds up!"

Once the technique has been internalized and 'strength' and resistance 'trained', it would be time to start with a high intensity interval training that, as always, should be custom designed by a qualified professional , according to our age, physical condition and objectives. "I love them because, with very little time, you get a lot. Of course, to experience great changes it is essential to also take care of the diet ."

Composed of exercises that usually involve a medium / high level of joint impact (there are usually many jumps), Borrás recommends, in addition to the aforementioned supervision of a professional, the use of appropriate footwear "with a good air chamber that drives and cushion in the jumps as well as a good lateral support so that you don't 'dance' your foot ".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Fitness

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