Gold will lose its luster if all of it is found for all the inhabitants of the whole earth, pursuant to the principle of scarcity ... and also the word will lose its luster and its true meaning with its excessive use. "Clichés" may take many aspects, some of which are funny, such as "Growth of the country!" And some of them are political, such as the slogan of Bill Clinton's campaign. "It is the economy, you idiots." Some of them are literary. "Breathing in the morning and golden threads falling from the sun." »And there are many in our daily life.

- The ferry loses its original essence after repeated recycling operations.

As for you noticing that when we say thank you, it is accompanied with the word very much, and it becomes "thank you very much", and you do not hear, for example, the phrase "many thanks", because the phrase has been repeated so many times that it is stored in our unconscious mind to the point that we cannot replace this phrase with another, Therefore, I deliberately used the word “al-Jazil” in another context at the beginning of this article. We also find in the world of the novel many consuming descriptions such as "pale night" "silence prevailed" "the sun went down" "way of life" "dived in his dreams", and many other things, and it is thanks to the firmness of these phrases with the automatic expression of things to the first innovator It is he who has made us a new medium of expression that has become "cliché" with the passage of time, and has lost its original essence after repeated operations to recycle the phrase. That is why the French writer Marcel Proust, the author of the book "Searching for the Lost Time", which is one of the greatest and longest-lasting books written in history, invites us to the only way to preserve the language from aging, by attacking it and saying: “Every writer is obligated to create his language. The special, just as every violinist is obligated to create his own note .. I don't mean that I like the original writers who write poorly. But they will not start good writing unless they are original, and they create their own language. ” Dostoyevsky says: "The true mistake is better than the simulated right."

It is better for a writer to challenge himself in breaking up compound phrases and searching for their significance, then flipping words in his mind to reach a certain new syntax for the phrases used to describe something, for example, instead of saying “the sun has gone down” he may search for a meaning that is synonymous with the same word, and he appears to him A new syntax for the term is not used extensively, and the supreme goal of the writer is to make early phrases that turn into "clichés" after a period of time, such as the word "early" that I just made, which means that I made a spelling mistake and peace.


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