Students from Saint-Barthélémy private school in Nice were able to test the game - Innovation Alzheimer

  • The association Innovation Alzheimer has designed the game "Adapt'ou pas" to avoid awkwardness in the face of loved ones affected by the disease.
  • Participants must indicate whether the child behaved correctly (“Adapt '”) or not (“Or not”).
  • An adult version is planned.

"It's snack time, I'm hungry and Mum still hasn't returned from work. Granny offers to prepare my hot chocolate for me. Very good ! Even if she no longer cooks herself, she will still be able to remember how the microwave works. "So this behavior, is it" Adapt '"or not? Spoiler alert: the answer is: "Or not. Instead, suggest eating cookies with a glass of milk or water. "

This text is that of one of the cards in the game “Adapt'ou pas”, launched by the Nice association Innovation Alzheimer. Its goal: to explain to children Alzheimer's disease and how to react to behavioral disorders of their loved ones.

“In order not to disturb their children, parents no longer take them to see their grandparents. They lose contact with them due to the ignorance of the disease. With Julie [Brousse, neuropsychologist and co-designer of the game], we thought that board games could be a great tool for intergenerational discussion, ”says Laure Chantepy, project coordinator.

Adapt or not, granny version - Innovation Alzheimer

Move back one space in case of inappropriate behavior

Supported financially by the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA), tested by the nursing staff of the Claude Pompidou Institute, improved thanks to the prototype exhibited during the Cannes International Games Festival 2019, "Adapt'ou pas" en is now in its eighth version, now available to the general public.

In practice, the game is played by four. A game master, who changes at each turn, reads a card on which is written a life situation. Participants must then indicate whether the child behaved correctly (“Adapt '”) or not (“Or not”). The first player to type gives the correct answer advances one space, the one who makes a mistake moves back. The winner is the one who scored 10 points.

Adapt'ou pas, grandpa version - Alzheimer Innovation

"But if, you know, remember"

"To be as realistic as possible, the most frequent disorders in life are also in play," says Julie Brousse. As for the behaviors to adopt and to avoid, they too have been repeated enough for the players to assimilate them at the end of the game. "

So, no more guessing type checks ("When is your doctor's appointment already? But if, you know, remember. Go, make an effort") or hurtful reactions ("But you're stupid, I just told you ”). Now place the help and recall information. “The person affected by Alzheimer's disease no longer has brain tissue to memorize, so the information is not stored. It is always a discovery for her, ”explains Julie Brousse.

"It's not a game like Dobble or Timeline"

Sold on the Innovation Alzheimer site, "Adapt'ou pas" is intended mainly for Ehpad (Accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people), day care centers or schools. "This is not a game like Dobble or Timeline that we release every Sunday," jokes Julie Brousse.

The two designers are also thinking about developing an adult version, intended in particular for high school students in the medico-social streams and health professionals in contact with people suffering from the disease.


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  • Family
  • Games
  • Alzheimer
  • Board games
  • Society
  • Nice