A butterfly in the wild (illustration). - V. Cardui / Pixabay

The Convention on Biological Biodiversity (CBD) unveiled a text this Monday aimed at combating accelerated degradation of nature. This first version proposes to protect at least 30% of the planet by 2030.

The 15th meeting of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will be held in Kunming (China) in October. This meeting should define a roadmap for the 200 members of the CBD, in order to better protect ecosystems. The goal is to live "in harmony with nature" by 2050, says the CBD.

Reduce pollution by 50%

The text, which will be negotiated during COP15, plans to protect "sites of particular importance for biodiversity", in particular by creating protected areas. These areas will cover "at least 30% of land and marine areas" including "10% under strict protection" by 2030. The coalition "Compaign for nature" grouping of NGOs is nevertheless concerned about the absence of mention on "Effective management" of these spaces.

Another measure aims to “reduce pollution by at least 50%” caused by biocides, plastic and other waste by 2030. The text notably incorporates the conclusions of biodiversity experts from the UN. In May, the latter highlighted the role of agriculture, deforestation, fishing, hunting, climate change, pollution and invasive species in the accelerated degradation of nature.

Acting as a failure and making a fresh start

The CBD also highlights the importance of nature-based solutions to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. This first text constitutes a "big step" in the definition of objectives to protect biodiversity. But the text is "thin" regarding the implementation of solutions and the means deployed, said an official of Greenpeace International.

COP15 should also record the failure of the “Aichi targets”, defined in 2010. They aimed, among other things, to take better account of biodiversity in national strategies, to extend terrestrial and aquatic conservation areas, to prevent extinction of endangered species or to avoid overfishing and to manage agricultural areas in a sustainable manner by 2020. Most have not been achieved.


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  • Planet
  • deforestation
  • Climate change
  • Pollution
  • biodiversity
  • Nature
  • UN