"Short New Year's Day" One day earlier bean sowing Tochigi Nikko January 14, 14:44

Ahead of next month's Setsubun, a sowing of beans was carried out at a temple in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture.

Koun Ritsuin, a temple of the Tendai sect in Nikko, has been sowing beans on the day before the New Year's Day on January 15 every year since the Edo period.

At the precincts, monks in the form of a mountain bush wearing mascots, burning old bills and daruma, and praying to the worshipers for one year's safety.

Approximately 300 people, including locals and worshipers, gathered in the main hall after that, and after doing evil prayers, beans were fired.

In this temple, with the wish of bringing back the fortune, it is a practice to do sowing in the main hall by saying only "Fuku is inside" instead of saying "Fear is outside". However, while saying “Fuku wa Uchi” and “Fuku wa Uchi” loudly, they sowed bean beans and sweets.

A man in his forties, who came from Ibaraki Prefecture, said, "I have visited every year for about 20 years. I prayed for my safety, prosperity and social contribution."