Is the future of the situation in Ukraine, here in Donbass in 2017, written in the stars? - Gaalle Girbes / SIPA

  • On the occasion of the entry into the new decade, 20 Minutes devotes a series of articles to the 2020s, new crazy years.
  • When it comes to knowing what the future will be like, a well-known reflex remains to turn to horoscopes.
  • But as astrologer Catheine Lyr explains to us, it's more complicated than that.

A hundred years later, the “roaring twenties” are coming back to the tips of their noses. From the “roaring twenties” [the roaring 1920s], carried by a creative euphoria and an almost fanatic belief in the industrial revolution, we are entering the “worrying twenties”, as the great study by Ipsos "Trend Obs 2020". All week long, 20 Minutes explores the future loved ones that await us by 2030.

On the menu for the decade: disenchantment, existential distress and fantasy of the apocalypse. In this episode, 20 Minutes seeks an answer to our anguished questions on the side of the stars.

The end of the world is inscribed in the lunar and solar cycles it seems. And while waiting for the inevitable, many of you (we have the figures) are trying to find out what tomorrow holds for you in love or in health, on the side of the stars. It is one thing to know if the Gemini will have an increase or if the Pisces will cheat their spouses, but what about the future of the planet, in the broad sense? Can we know what awaits us, as a humanity, in the 2020 decade thanks to horoscopes? It is much more complicated than that, warns astrologer Catherine Lyr (see box) who does not have harsh enough words against the general horoscopes that we see here and there. No, if you want to do it seriously, you have to rely on your natal chart. Clearly, we must each go in turn to see an astrologer. We compile everything in a table and presto, we will know if humanity is going to get away with it… On that account (a table with more than six billion lines anyway), we might as well get directly into the 400 pages of the report Giec…

But have hope. “Astrology is a wonderful tool for self-knowledge, through the interpretation of the natal chart; but it is also a forecasting tool on an individual, collective and global level, explains Catherine Lyr. The trends for the new decade 2020 are possible by the analysis of the planetary positions of the solar system, indicated precisely in the ephemeris established by NASA, year by year, month by month, day by day. To project ourselves over the next ten years, we have clues from all the planets, and especially from the slow planets, stagnating for a long time in the zodiac signs. These are the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, each having a striking and different impact on man and the planet. "

Uranus will save the barracks

Clearly, if we accept to believe that planets have an impact on our existence, here is the essential information to retain, according to Catherine Lyr: "In this new decade, zodiac signs are directly impacted by the presence of these slow planets, say collective. It is the planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus until 2026, and then in Gemini for seven years; from the planet Neptune present in Pisces until 2025, and in Aries thereafter for 14 years; then from the planet Pluto installed in Capricorn until November 2024, which will then return to the sign of Aquarius. "

Do we translate? The natives of Taurus, Gemini, Pisces and Aries are "directly concerned by transformations, mutations, upheavals or innovations, deep awareness or by spiritual awakening over this decade. It makes a lot of people, especially if we add Capricorn and Aquarius, sort of second knives of the great upheaval to come. "These natives can feel very concerned about the future of the planet, fauna, flora, terrestrial resources, ecology and health, warns the astrologer. Their life being more concerned by these historical planetary influences, it is normal that some feel carried by a mission to be accomplished, in the name of the planet or of essential values. The old and the young generation will be more and more inspired by brilliant ideas answering basic needs such as food, health, education, social protection, biodiversity… "Basically, the natives of certain signs will clearly save the loaves of others? "We are all impacted whatever our sign, by these slow planets, indirectly, which are placed in precise sectors of our life, according to our natal chart of the sky and according to our gifts and talents", specifies the astrologer.

Retirement Plan and Parcoursup in question

Mutual aid, innovations, respect for nature ... So, yes, all that remains rather vague. Catherine Lyr notes however some particular tendencies. Particularly in terms of social news: "Earth values, human values, respect for the most fundamental rights are highlighted in 2020, thanks to greater determination, will and patience on a collective level, in the name greater social justice, and certain gains to be preserved. »Draw the conclusions you want ...

Catherine Lyr also has a message from the stars to the attention of the education world: “The education sector will be questioned with a view to new foundations for these two years. New structures, methodologies and concepts for greater respect for teachers and students ... Individual and collective actions and initiatives will also multiply in the name of preserving the planet and respecting the animal cause over these three years. "

Hope or blindness?

In any case, Catherine Lyr refuses to give in to panic and defeatism. "The hope and the luck of this new decade, in the whole world, is reactivity, inventiveness and mindfulness, especially over the next six years, precious for Man and the preservation of the planet . From 2026 to 2030 and beyond, the period will be marked by innovation in the field of aeronautics, transport, new sources of energy, and to reduce air pollution, a major problem. Unlike a commonplace, the astrologers consulted for this article believe a great deal in science to overcome the perils that await humanity in the decade to come.

You can hear the skeptics from here. If astrology distilled a too dark, defeatist or negative message about our future, people (and clients) would turn away from it. Also a coach, Catherine Lyr assumes the voluntarism of her conclusions. This is, moreover, the essential lesson, according to her, to be learned from a session with an astrologer: the planets are not everything, we must seize the opportunities they offer us. "My advice for living this new decade as well as possible, seen from the stars, is to be in touch with current events, to meet urgent needs on the human level and to save the planet, to innovate, to invent, to be Listening to yourself and others, putting priority on your health and lifestyle, maintaining moral values ​​and human quality, to be if possible pillars for others, during these years of deep, vital and salutary transformation. "


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Catherine Lyr

An astrologer for 25 years, Catherine Lyr has been an actress for ten years. Today she teaches astrology and works in Paris. She is also a coach and organizes conferences on astrology.

  • Near future
  • Astrology
  • Culture
  • Future (s)