Tramway in Bordeaux - M.Bosredon / 20Minutes

  • In Paris, only two metro lines will operate normally this Thursday, for the new call for mobilization against the pension reform.
  • In the big provincial cities, some disturbances are to be expected, but the trams and the metros will run rather well.
  • Whether the networks of these metropolises are managed by Keolis or under management, drivers are locked into the general pension scheme, and do not benefit from a special scheme, which explains less mobilization.

On the 35th day of strike against the pension reform project, the mobilization remains strong at the SNCF as at the RATP. For the new day of mobilization on Thursday, January 9, only two metro lines will run normally in Paris, and only 50% of the Transiliens. A daily hassle for over a month for users of the capital and its suburbs.

In the public transport of the big cities of province, the strike is however almost painless for the users for one month… It is in any case absolutely not comparable with what happens in Ile-de-France. Example in Nantes, where the Tan network has hardly been disrupted since the start of the conflict, or by the holding of demonstrations that cut lines on the days concerned.

"No strikers every day"

In Bordeaux, the private company Keolis (in which SNCF is a 70% shareholder) which manages the TBM network, announces a strike rate of 24% among its drivers for this Thursday, which will certainly have consequences for traffic with a tram every 7'30, but all the lines will run from 5h to 1h.

Above all, "unlike what happens in Paris, we do not have strikers every day, explains Eric Moinier, director of Keolis Bordeaux Métropole: they manifest themselves during the days of national mobilization, their strategy being to be focused on a few days where they will try to mobilize more. "

"For us, it's 62 years like everyone else"

The reason for this reduced mobilization is quite simple: at Keolis, which manages the transport networks of Bordeaux, Rennes, Lyon, and Lille, “we are on the general pension scheme, explains Eric Moinier, so our employees are not affected by the special regimes in force for railway workers at the SNCF or the RATP. "

And it is the same thing in the networks managed under management, as in Nantes, Nice, Marseille, Strasbourg and Toulouse. Thus, at Tisséo in Toulouse, "there is no particular advantage", specifies the human resources department. "For us, it's 62 years like everyone else, even if people mistakenly think that we are on the same regime as our colleagues at the RATP," explains Benjamin Borderes, union organizer and national manager of the Federation. national truck drivers.

“There is an amalgam that is made, because we are well on the general regime, confirms Mathieu Obry, CGT delegate at Keolis Bordeaux Métropole. Nevertheless, we remain fiercely opposed to this reform, which is why we are mobilizing, even if we prefer to target certain days, in particular at the calls of the confederation. "

The mobilization of December 5 in Bordeaux, "one of the strongest in the recent history of the network"

The unions have also succeeded, on occasion, in strongly mobilizing their troops. In Marseille, where the network will also be partially impacted on Thursday, traffic was severely disrupted on December 5, particularly at the bus level. In Strasbourg, where the CGT and CFDT unions "have given unlimited notice to act when they want to", the Compagnie des transports strasbourgeois (CTS) expects mobilization "certainly strong this Thursday, January 9. "

In Bordeaux, "we started very high on December 5, with 62% of strikers among drivers," recalls Mathieu Obry. "This mobilization on December 5 is without doubt one of the strongest in the recent history of the network" concedes the director of Keolis. "Then we went down very low, to less than 10%, and there it goes back, even if personally I am disappointed by the mobilization of this Thursday, analyzes Mathieu Obry. You should know that we have a notice period: notice must be given fifteen days in advance, and the call to strike 48 hours in advance can play a role in mobilization. There are also people who have already gone on strike for five days in December, and who may be lifting their foot a little. But I am not worried about future actions, because there will be a turnover at the driver level. "

In Toulouse, the trade unionist Benjamin Borderes even predicts "a much harder movement, once the real reform is known".


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  • Tram
  • Pension reform
  • Strike
  • Public transport
  • Society
  • Subway
  • RATP strike
  • Bus