“The weather in the metropolitan area will continue to be determined by the southern part of the Atlantic cyclone. Atmospheric pressure will remain low, cloudy weather will prevail, no significant precipitation is expected on Friday, ”the meteorologist said.

The air temperature during the day in Moscow will be about 0 ° C, in the region from -3 to +2 ° C, said the weather forecaster.

On Saturday and Sunday at night, slightly negative, about -1 ... -3 ° C, daytime - about 0 ° C.

Pozdnyakova also emphasized that the beginning of next week will bring “a new batch of heat”, no significant precipitation is expected in Moscow, at night it will again be around 0 ° C, daytime temperature is slightly positive.

“The air temperature in the metropolitan area remains 8–9 ° C above the climatic norm,” the specialist added.

Earlier, the acting head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, said that a positive temperature anomaly is observed throughout the country.