A candidate for the bac in 2019. - DOMINIQUE FAGET / AFP

  • The first common continuous assessment (E3C) tests of the new formula baccalaureate will start on January 20 in many establishments.
  • But their organization is not without difficulty, as told by high school readers from 1st to 20 Minutes .
  • Many of them find that these tests arrive too quickly, that they require too much work in parallel to the courses and that their content remains too vague.

The first common continuous assessment (E3C) tests of the new formula baccalaureate will start on January 20 in many establishments. The pupils of 1st general will have floor on a subject of history-geography and on two others in modern languages. And those of the technological path will work on math.

In some high schools, these new tests were sometimes difficult to organize, as evidenced by pupils from 1st grade who responded to our call for witnesses. Like Erwann: “It seems to be complicated: our school has already postponed the date of the test by one week, the teachers do not seem to be aware of anything and are therefore not very reassuring. And the school has just, a week before, put the test schedules into our timetable. ” Same impression of confusion for Fanny: “We only knew the E3C dates today, whereas they will take place in two weeks. The teachers seem to be totally lost, whether it be concerning the organization of tests or the correction of homework. As for the history-geo program, as it is very long, the teachers had to ignore certain key points, ”she says.

"We are a generation of guinea pigs"

A climate of confusion that Rodrigue also describes: "Dates of tests known at the last moment, the contents of the tests blurred until recently, a reduction in the time of the history-geography test for almost similar expectations, tests placed on the hours of specialties, in the middle of a mundane day… And to train us, rare zero subjects and no annals ”. As for Timothé, he “still doesn't have the exact dates for the E3Cs”. And the teaching teams do not always seem to be clear: "The teachers are overwhelmed, they are still trying to reassure us, but many questions remain unanswered such as the marking, the difficulty of the test ...", says Hugo.

For some students, these first tests arrive too early in the year: “Everything is going so fast! We barely have time to realize having three exams that they arrive in a few weeks! Exclaims Fatima. "I think it's pretty rushed," also testifies Sarah. "Feeling ready when we are going to have to review chapters that have been studied, in the best of cases, about a week before the date, is difficult," euphemized Thomas. "No one is ready, we are a generation of guinea pigs," says Dylan harshly.

"There is far too much pressure"

The prospect of finding yourself soon in front of a white copy puts some high school students in a state of intense stress: “We will have to relearn all of our lessons in each subject. I don't feel ready, because I'm just starting the history-geo reviews. With this reform, we are in constant stress, there is too much pressure. Because all our grades for the year count for 10% of the bac and these tests 30%. There is an overload of work, ”laments Elyos. "I am stressed, especially for the geo-history, because the program is very dense", expresses for her part Emilie.

And some students, like Joanna, have the impression of collapsing under the job: "We have a lot of controls beside and we must also re-read all our lessons in history and geography, be sure to know the dates ... At the same time, we must reread English and modern language lessons 2… And next to it, we have lessons, homework, we finish lessons late. And we take the time for our additional revisions (for bac E3Cs) on our sleep hours, is this normal? She asked.

Teachers' help to prepare students

Maria also has the impression of being underwater: "We are overwhelmed ... Between the controls in certain subjects, the DM in others, the oral and written white bac, daily homework, extra-curricular activities for some pupils, it is difficult to add to this the revisions of the common tests. We often end late and my days have been, since this year, going to high school, going home, working, eating and trying to sleep early, ”she laments.

Aware of the difficulties of their students, some establishments have tried to prepare them as well as possible for these new tests: "Our language teachers have given us false tests to train us", describes Elyos. “My school organized a few weeks ago training sessions on the first tests I will have to take. So I think I know what to expect when the time comes, ”says Sarah.

"Correctors may be more forgiving with us"

In the Erwann high school, the teachers distributed "general revision sheets" to facilitate the students' work. "The teachers are organized so that we don't have too many chapters, and for the LVA and LVB languages, we are trained regularly with tests of oral comprehension and written expression and we have already done zero subjects", Emilie also testifies.

But despite this, some students fear that they will not pass their exams on D-Day. “My teachers gave us standard E3C assessments and we all got scores below average. It stresses me out, ”says Marcus. But Erwann tries to reassure himself: "The proofreaders may be more forgiving with us for the first test".


"We tinker", "It's unmanageable" ... Teachers and principals are alarmed three months before the first continuous test of the bac


Bac reform: Unions demand cancellation of first round of tests

  • Society
  • High school
  • Education
  • Exam
  • LAC
  • BAC reform
  • pupils