Singer and director Tamim Younes faces a massive human rights campaign demanding the cessation of his song "Salmonella" because it incites hatred for women, according to several opposition statements.

In a statement, the National Council for Women demanded that the song be stopped. Feminist organizations have also filed a complaint with the Supreme Council for Information as the song was bully against women and outside the public morals.

For his part, Younis rejected the accusations against him and considered his song to be a positive message.

It is noteworthy that the song, when broadcasted, invaded the social networking site "Twitter", with two tags, one for "Salmonella" and the other for "Tamim Younis", as he was the owner of the song "Anti-i-Kalam", which was widespread and widespread, but a broad opposition wave started. After the calm of the first attraction.

The effects of the use of the word "Salmonella", which is a medical name called "salmonellosis", a bacterial disease that affects the stomach, grows in the animal intestine, and is transmitted to humans through water or food and is transmitted through eating meat, poultry, eggs, or raw animal products. In symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal cramps, there is widespread discontent among the audience, considering its use in an emotional song as unsuccessful.

The National Council for Women issued a statement condemning the song. It also submitted a complaint to the management of Google to stop broadcasting the song currently circulating on the communication sites, considering it to carry a message that insults the woman and diminishes her rights, calls for bullying and is a blatant incitement to attack her.

In its statement, the council said, “The song also contains expressions and words outside the public morals and establishes the crime of insulting and slandering through electronic communication sites, in accordance with the Penal Code and Law No. 175 of 2018 in the matter of combating information technology crimes.”

The council stressed that “the song represents a serious violation of the Media Honor Code and the Code of Professional Conduct of 2017, which has become binding on all media professionals, and by extension to the media since this date, which stipulates respect for human dignity and not offending any group of society.”, Stressing “the seriousness Such media content on Egyptian society, which recently suffers from challenges related to confronting violence against women in its many forms, including harassment, and despite the owner of the song saying that it came as a mockery of patterns of violence against women, but it came in a framework that justifies pain It was against it and it is considered an underestimation and flattening with a dangerous reality and a societal issue, especially since the song deals with a delicate topic that the state is working to combat, which is violence against women in all its forms.

In the same context, the complaints committee of the Supreme Media Council, headed by journalist writer Gamal Shawky, received a complaint submitted regarding the song, as the complaint considered it offensive to Egyptian women.