If the three legs of a series are the direction, the script and the cast, the next Movistar + comedy has brought together a galactic team. Behind the cameras we find Emilio Martínez-Lázaro, architect of box office such as Eight Basque surnames , The other side of the bed and their respective sequels. Olatz Arroyo and Marta Sánchez, scriptwriters of series like There below and Aída , are the creators. And Miren Ibarguren , star of the rebirth / spin-off of this latest fiction, also featured in La que se avecina or Arde Madrid , is the protagonist.

Simply put, Supernormal is a comedy about what it means to be the director of an investment bank and the mother of a 21st-century family. "Patricia Picón wants to be the best at her job, that her children are the best in school, that her marriage works perfectly, and that her mother and sister do what she wants," says Ibarguren about her character, a intelligent, ambitious and unbearably demanding woman. "He wants everything to work well and everything around him is perfect," he adds on this train about to derail at all times.

«It is going to be reflected that demand that we women have to be the best in everything and then not reach anything and shit, an ideal that we will never reach and that makes us waste a lot of time, effort and happiness along the way», explains Arroyo, who was inspired by his previous life as a secretary in an investment bank. “It is a dizzying world with a lot of competition, so we put it together with this woman, with a family of three children, and it is madness. Patricia is a totally overflowing and unhappy aunt, but she is full butt. And in comedy the funniest thing is to see someone suffer, ”he says.

The script was precisely what convinced Martínez-Lázaro to return to television three decades after his last project: The woman of your life , a series released by TVE in 1990. «It was not a comedy script to use, which in Spain is the farce, it was very well written and it was the story of a very interesting female character. I liked it, I said yes and soon we were rehearsing, ”says the director in a filming break, which lasted for eight weeks, between October and December 2019, in natural settings of Madrid and surroundings. «For me it is exactly the same to shoot film and television. Another thing is to record on sets, because it is a different system, but as I shot this and as it is usually filmed for platforms it is the director who controls what is being done », in addition to participating in the casting .

"We have made sure that all the actors had comedy because, if not, you can't do comedy," says Martínez-Lázaro, who had already worked with Ibarguren on a completely different record in Las 13 Rosas . «Look it's pure comedy. It has a brutal energy and intuition, but here, in addition to making people laugh, it will thrill, ”Arroyo and Sánchez stand out.

Diego Martín, actor of series like Here there is no one who lives or Velvet , plays Alfonso, "Patricia's shadow husband," he says. «The series plays a bit to reverse the roles we are used to seeing and Alfonso is the one who is supporting her, the anchor so that Patricia does not go crazy. He is a very positive character, he has a lot of patience and everything seems fine, ”he explains.

The veteran Gracia Olayo, whose curriculum includes from series such as The Protected and With the ass in the air to the film and the play of Los Javis The call, will be the other crutch of Patricia as her perfectionist secretary. «Marisol has been working in banking for 20 years and the rich are not impressed at all. She is very earthy, she is from town and she treads a lot of reality. Patricia and she are very empathetic: she knows how long the period is going to come to her, ”says the actress, who at 62, says:“ This role is great because I am not going to be a mother or a grandmother. ”

Comedy, in everyone's opinion, will arise from all the unexpected, personal and professional, that Patricia will face. "We are going to laugh at the world of banking, people with pasta, motherhood, life," say the creators in chorus. Although, Sánchez clarifies: «We are not making a series of women, but a series with women. In this case the protagonist is female, but it is a production for everyone to enjoy. Now, luckily, this is normal, but before it was not, let alone in comedy ». Arroyo insists on this idea saying: «We loved the idea of ​​making a story about a powerful woman, with contradictions, a complex character because sometimes women are stereotypes. But viewers should watch Supernormal simply because they are going to laugh.

And in this regard, they appreciate the format: six chapters of 25 or 30 minutes . «It is a logical duration for comedy that allows you to focus on the situation and the characters. Not like in the comedies we did for 70-minute generalists, it was very hard to see it and very hard to write it, ”he concludes. Movistar + will premiere Supernormal in 2020.

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