Publication sales expected to decrease for 15 consecutive years December 31 5:26


Sales of publications in Japan have decreased for both books and magazines due to the consumption tax hike and the damage of the typhoon, and are estimated to be 1,240 billion yen, about 50 billion yen less than last year, for 15 consecutive years. It is expected to be lower than the previous year.

According to the publication science research institute, which conducts research and research in the publishing industry, the sales of books and magazines published in Japan are estimated to be more than last year based on sales results from January to November. It is expected to be ¥ 1,240 billion, down ¥ 50 billion.

In addition to the consumption tax hike in October, a series of typhoon damage caused a drop in sales at bookstores, and is expected to be lower for the 15th consecutive year.

Book sales are expected to fall below 680 billion yen, while the best-selling children's books and business books are among the best-selling books, but few literary books and paperback books are hits.

In addition, although magazine sales are estimated to be around 560 billion yen, 5% less than the previous year, comics in this are expected to be about 3% higher than the previous year, and there are bright signs of sales of magazines that have continued to fall sharply It is to be seen.

In addition, although research on electronic publishing has not been finalized yet, the market size is expected to continue to grow due to the strong sales of comics due to the detection of pirated sites.