"Group movement route" for children Safety measures required at approximately 36,000 locations December 19th 5:06

When we examined the routes where children such as kindergartens and nurseries move together, we found that nearly 70%, approximately 36,000 places, required safety measures.

In May, following a traffic accident in Otsu City where a nursery school child was sacrificed, the government is proceeding with safety checks on the route that children such as kindergartens and nursery schools travel in groups.

It turned out that safety measures were necessary, such as the sidewalks being narrow and the road signs being difficult to see at approximately 36,000 locations, which was close to 70% of the locations that were inspected by the end of October.

For this reason, Prime Minister Abe has decided to urgently take necessary measures at the ministerial meeting held on the 19th.

In addition to expanding and maintaining sidewalks, installing protective fences, repainting road signs, etc., the government's safety measures for children are similar to the `` School Zone '' of elementary school commuting roads. ".