The real estate field is a branched, multiple, and vast field, despite its limitations, vast in terms of its types, as the real estate sector under its umbrella includes about 14 types, and is not limited only to housing, office and hotel room, and is limited in terms of tasks carried out by those who chose this industry.

In the real estate industry, there is the profession of the developer, the profession of the broker, the profession of the marketer, the profession of the consultant, the profession of the expert, and the profession of the appraiser, and there is no similarity between these professions in terms of the tasks assigned to each of them, but what we have observed in the market in recent periods, according to what is published On social media and various other media outlets, everyone has become a real estate consultant and expert!

Which yesterday's fortune enabled him to sell an apartment, studio or two apartments, the following day suddenly turned into a real estate expert, who gives advice to others in the field of real estate, painful and shameful in the matter at the same time that most of these tips are misleading and have no connection with the concrete reality of those projects that they recommend .

Even the way they describe and discuss a situation is not correct, because it is not based on confirmed information and sound studies about the market, in another language “they analyze, discuss and advise without understanding anything.”

No wonder you find someone advising you on a product that they are not convinced of! It is no wonder that you find one of them that lists the specifications of a product that you are not sure of personally, and sometimes it does not exist in reality, and it is more surprising that you find another who calculates how much this property will earn you from the returns or how much it will cost you the repayment payments of your monthly salary, while he is wrong Totally calculated.

In summary, what I see during the recent periods, that real estate experience has become a profession that almost everyone has encroached upon, and it has become a title given to everyone who uttered or wrote a word or opinion in the real estate field, regardless of his path in the field, whether it was a day, month, or year.

To be a real estate expert, and to provide real estate advice and information, is not easy and simple, even if you are part of this industry, the coat of real estate experience is worthy of those who research, study, experiment and compare, who deserves more than thirty years in the real estate profession, and he who deserves real estate advice with a live conscience , Honest advice that serves customers to serve the whole market after that. How much honest advice raised the value of the market, and how much advice destroyed everything that has been built for years, real estate advice and advice is a game that has its rules, controls and goals, if it was applied accurately it would benefit everyone.

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