
As the fine dust that covered the whole country turned away, I could see the sky blue again from this afternoon. It's nice that the air is clear, but it will be cold again. Tomorrow, morning temperatures in Seoul are expected to be minus 4 degrees.

This is reporter Seo Dong-kyun.


With a dusty layer of mist and fog, Namsan Tower has only a blurry shape.

In the city, seen from a high place, a thick layer of dust spread.

[Gonjuju / Seoul Dongdaemungu: It seems that the recurrence of rhinitis due to fine dust, coughing, runny nose, and not wearing (mask).]

Currently, Seoul is showing a slight cloudy view of the fog.

However, ultrafine dust is over 75µg per cubic meter and shows 'very bad' levels.

The highest concentration of ultra-fine dust in the country today showed 'very bad' levels such as Seoul 118, Incheon 106, and Gyeonggi 107.

As the Northwest winds drove clean air from the evening and pushed out the fine dust, the concentration of fine dust in Seoul and other metropolitan areas has returned to 'normal' levels.

Why didn't the wind blow until the strong northwest wind blew?

[Ujin Kyu / Meteorological Agency forecaster: Southwest winds were blown, but as they float above the relatively cold air staying in our country, the wind is almost never blowing down the atmosphere.]

As stagnant air flows begin to accelerate from this evening, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are likely to maintain normal levels.

However, the cold air that drove out the fine dust drastically lowered the temperature tomorrow, resulting in a cold wave warning in the Seoul metropolitan area, Gangwon, Chungcheong, and Jeonbuk.

(Video coverage: Seol Minhwan, Video editing: Kim Jun Hee)