“It is with great sadness that we have to announce that one of our biggest and most beloved artists is gone. Marie Fredriksson died on the evening of December 9 in the suites of her former illness, ”writes Marie Dimberg, press contact and manager for Roxette and Gyllene times in a press release.

Artist Louise Hoffsten describes Marie Fredriksson as a role model. "She was a world artist, a world name," Louise Hoffsten tells SVT.

- I've just found out the sad news, I'm crying now and I'm very sad. It is a shock that she is gone, 61 years old. I mourn with her children, I mourn her husband, I mourn the world. She was a world artist, a world name. I know how she fought, with what happened, and for the tumor.

- I remember when we sang and played, when we were in the bathrobe the first time I met her. Thought it was fun to join her. I admired her as a singer, artist and as a person. I can only say that the world is grieving, I am grieving, we have lost a great artist, I am really sorry.

Per Gessle: Thanks Marie, thanks for EVERYTHING

Per Gessle, Marie Fredriksson's colleague from Roxette's time, writes in a statement to TT:

“Time goes by so fast. It feels like just recently when Marie and I were sitting in my little apartment in Halmstad sharing dreams. And what a fantastic dream we got to share! Thank you Marie, thank you for EVERYTHING. You were a truly unique musician, a singer on a level we will hardly ever experience again. You painted my black and white songs with the most beautiful colors. You were a wonderful friend for over forty years. I am proud, honored and happy to have shared so much of your time, your talent, your warmth, generosity and humor. All my love for you and your family. Things will never be the same. ”

Lisa Nilsson: Shocking

Artist Lisa Nilsson describes how she received the message with great sadness and dismay.

- Even though we knew she had been fragile for a long time, it was shocking. I sat in the taxi on the way to the Nobel party where we will now rope, the sun is shining over Stockholm. He thought it was going to be a beautiful day and it was for her, Lisa Nilsson tells SVT, and continues:

- When I entered the City Hall and saw the light as flowing in, I suddenly felt that now this is a church. I will not be able to think of anything other than Marie today.

Lisa Nilsson talks about when she was touring with Marie Fredriksson a number of years ago:

- We sat behind the stage and then she said: "Damn this so fucking fun!" I thought now she is there in the fragility, that it is not free, that you could just as well be away, that it is so amazing to get to sing and stand on stage. She talked about it with the kind of voice that a new artist makes, overjoyed and humble

"It's about taking advantage of these moments, with the music, with the audience," she said. It is important not to waste it. It made a big impression on me. She said it with the insight you can only have if it is on loan.

"An incredible stage personality"

Journalist Sven Lindström is one of those who followed Marie Fredriksson for a long time during her career. He remembers Marie Fredriksson as an incredible stage personality, he tells Culture News.

- I especially remember her as an incredible stage personality, for two reasons. The one from when she was in her power days and the energy she radiated and the bond she tied to her fans, says Sven Lindström.

- The second is after the illness, when she was relatively marked by it. She got help up on stage and couldn't move as before. But she had an incredible will and energy that enabled her to complete the comeback. I thought Roxette was forgotten - so there were many reminders of what a great artist she was globally.

The text is updated.