Following Nakamura-san's footprints, 200 people for the memorial screening, Tokyo Dec. 9, 8:06

A screening of a documentary film that recorded Nakamura's activities on the 8th night in Tokyo following the death and death of doctor Tetsu Nakamura (73) who has been involved in humanitarian assistance and reconstruction in Afghanistan for many years. The people who visited him were sorry for Mr. Nakamura's death.

This screening was quickly held by a citizen group following the death of Satoshi Nakamura, a local doctor of Fukuoka City's NGO Peshawarkai.

About 200 people participated in the university in Tokyo where the venue was located, and Makiko Irizawa, who represented the organizer, said, “Mr. Nakamura was the person who showed me what was important for peace. His achievements will never disappear. "

The movie is a record of Mr. Nakamura struggling to develop a canal to support the people of Afghanistan who have been hit by drought, and it shows how the devastated land is reborn into a land rich in water and greenery. The

Among them, Mr. Nakamura complained that it was important to work with local people in harmony with nature, and the people who visited said Mr. Nakamura's death while watching the video of his life. I was jealous.

A man in his 70s who came from Kanagawa Prefecture said, “I regretted knowing that he died and wept again and again. I hope that Mr. Nakamura ’s activities will be taken over.”